What does a bartender bring to a party? | Party Shakers

The bartending profession is one that offers plenty of opportunities for interaction with people at parties. This is why a good bartender is going to be able to contribute something great to social gatherings.ย 

A bartender brings many important things to a party and the first and most important is efficiency. A good bartender will tend to guests efficiently and without any issues. The bartender is also going to bring a factor of positivity and good vibes to the guests. This is essential to ensure a great event.

There are many ways in which bartenders get involved in parties. There are some cases when the bartender is going to be a very outgoing person. One that is able to communicate in a way that is very efficient. A bartender for party events is always someone who is able to make guests enjoy the event even more.

It is not just about the drinks

Most people would answer that the first thing a bartender brings to a party is their drink mixing skills. In a way, this is true, because this is the main job of the bartender at a party, but there are other key elements.

A bartender needs to be someone who is going to have a great personality. Someone who can handle people who are drinking all night. This means that the bartender needs to be someone with a huge amount of emotional intelligence.

Once you find a bartender that has those two elements, you will have someone who is ideal for a party. This is a very important thing and it will allow the bartender to become someone who is on high demand.

The best bartenders in the world know how to talk to anyone regardless of the topic. They also know how to handle large crowds and demanding guests. They know how to mix drinks fast and efficiently, but they also know how to treat people in a way that is friendly.ย 

Being aware of the local news and events

A great bartender for a party is always going to be someone who is aware of what is happening in the area they are bartending. This is going to be very important because it will allow for casual talk.

Many guests at the party may be interested in engaging in conversations with the bartender as they wait for their drink. A great bartender is going to make a good impression by talking about anything that is happening in the area.

This is why a bartender that wants to make an excellent impression is always going to take the time to stay updated with local news. This is a great way to engage in all kinds of conversations with people at a party.

For bartenders to do this is easier than ever before. All they need to do is subscribe to news channels online or news blogs. They can also subscribe to news pages on social media. These are all great ways for them to stay updated on what is happening out there.

When doing this, the bartender is going to prepare for any kind of conversation. This is always going to prove to be a great way to work. The guests are going to feel that they can chat with the bartender about topics of interest.

The best thing is that some of those guests may become future customers of that bartender. This is why bartenders should always handle things to the best of their ability. They are going to have a much easier time finding new job opportunities this way. This mainly thanks to the fact that people are going to want to hire a bartender that works well under pressure.

Being aware of the local news and events | Party Shakers

A bartender brings safety to a party

While there is no obligation for a bartender to be assisting people who are drunk. The best bartenders are always going to be able to use the right kind of words. This way they can tell someone to slow their drinking down if they seem too drunk.

Knowing how to diffuse difficult situations

There are many people who go to parties with no intention of causing any problems. In contrast, there are other people who are going to be more conflictive when they start drinking.

This is the reason why a great bartender should be someone with a great level of emotional intelligence. This is going to be essential if they want to be able to deal with people who are very difficult.

The emotional intelligence of a bartender is going to play a major role in the results they get when handling people who are inebriated.ย  This requires a very calm and very sound nature that is going to be optimal.

A great bartender for a party is also someone who is able to have the emotional strength to keep their cool. Sometimes there will be people who will become confrontational for no good reason. If this happens, a great Bartender for party is always going to be able to keep things under control.

If you hire a bartender that is great at mixing drinks but not so great at staying calm, you may find this could be an issue. The idea is for the bartender to be someone who is in control of their emotions.

A Bartender for party should always acknowledge that their work environment is unique. This is in the sense that their customers are often under the influence of alcohol. When the bartender is able to recognize this, the results are going to be much better.

One of the biggest issues with many bartenders is that they are never able to control their emotions. When a bartender is at a party, he or she should always expect difficult people. If not difficult, at least very rowdy.

Flair bartending is a plus

There are many bartenders who have become very successful without knowing any flair bartending. With that said, those who learn how to handle flair bartending are going to get even more party contracts.

Flair bartending is an excellent way to entertain guests at a party with awesome tricks. Learning to do flair bartending tricks is not easy and it does take some practice time without a doubt.

The Bartender for a party is someone who can be great at flair bartending or not. This is not going to be an issue for many cases. With that said, the process of learning flair bartending is one that can be very powerful.

Some bartenders that are involved in this are usually going to spend a long time perfecting this skill. There are likely to be some broken glasses, some spilled drinks, and some minor cuts and bruises involved.

The flair bartender is usually going to have to learn how to handle fire too. This is a much more complicated type of flair stunt. One that can be very dangerous if not done right. The biggest issue with that is that this takes a lot of time, but the rewards are huge.

One of the most common things that people will say is that flair bartending is too niche. They may be right, but the market for flair is still pretty big. This is why it is suggested that you take your time and decide if you want to learn this skill.

A party bartender understands the power of technology | Party Shakers

A party bartender understands the power of technology

When a bartender seeks to be a great party host for the bar, they will know the value and the power of social media. This is one of the reasons why they should encourage people to use their social media and share the event.

If a party is a success and the bartender is part of that success, other people will hire that bartender. This is a very powerful way for a bartender to be noticed and to become more popular.

When people share an event and share photos with their friends of the party, this is always positive. Some will use Instagram, other Facebook and some will even upload longer videos to YouTube.

The main thing to consider is that great bartenders should always be ok with people taking their picture. The more a bartender learns how to do this, the easier it becomes to be great at it. By โ€œthisโ€ we mean that the bartender should be as social as possible.

Using technology to your advantage is always important and parties are the perfect setting for promotion. Both the party organizer and the bartender can benefit greatly from these types of shares.

Questions and answers

What does it take for someone to become a great bartender?

There are many ways for people to get involved in the world of bartending. With that said, some people seem to be much better at this because they have a naturally likeable personality.ย 
The rest is just to know how to mix as many drinks as possible. There are 77 official drinks listed. Learning how to make them is always a plus, but you could at least learn the most popular ones first.

How does a bartender find more jobs in 2022?

There is no question that the pandemic has been a very difficult situation for bartenders. Many have been unable to get enough new jobs for a while. This is mainly happening due to how many people are hesitant to engage in social events.
For bartenders to find more jobs in 2022, they will need to be excellent at promoting. They need to ensure that their target audience can see the benefits of hiring them. It is also important to be able to stress the relevance of safety measures.

Does a bartender that knows flair bartending get paid more money?

There are many events that are paid very well if the bartender is good at flair. There are some flair bartenders that make a lot of money. The main reason why people see them as more than drink mixers and people with great personalities. They are also people who can provide an extra layer of entertainment.
This is the main reason why flair bartenders are in high demand all over the world. Even with the pandemic, the flair bartender is an excellent choice for bartender for party types. This is why learning flair is never a bad thing and it can really expand a bartenderโ€™s reach.

Final thoughts

Bartending has always been a great profession, but there is no doubt the last few years have been challenging. With that said, a bartender can bring a lot to a party and this is why you should always consider hiring one.

A great bartender is going to make any party a much better event in general. Just remember to hire a bartender or team of bartenders that truly knows how to handle this process.